We are a small group of caring, experienced professionals who prioritize wellness, family, respect and safety.
Forensic, Therapeutic and Professional Services
Our Services
Guardian ad Litems (a.k.a. “GALs”) are mental health or legal professionals appointed by the Probate and Family Court to conduct investigations or evaluations, and often to make recommendations. Typically, GALs are appointed when agreement can not be reached between parenting partners. GALs help to provide information to Judges so they can make informed decisions related to child custody and parenting plans with consideration to many factors that may include relocation out of state, substance use, mental health concerns and issues of safety.
Parent Coordinators (a.k.a. “PCs”) are appointed by the Probate and Family Court to assist parents with communication, compromise and conflict resolution. This is a child focused process which involves parental education and dispute resolution. The goal is to reduce or eliminate any harm or potential harm to children as a result of the parent’s contention and conflict.
Supervised parenting time can be an order of the Court when it is determined that there is a concern of safety. Safety is not always physical but can be inclusive of psychological and emotional as well.
We offer safe, professional supervision by licensed, experienced clinicians. We have office space available as well as security, if needed. We also conduct visits in the community depending on the circumstances involved.
We offer individual, family and group therapy for adults and children involved with high conflict court issues; as well as for people uninvolved with the court system.
We facilitate group therapy for children and adolescents. Therapy sessions are offered virtually or in person.
Life Coaching
Parent Coaching
Systems Coaching
Child Development
Child Protection
Forensic Engagement
We provide individual, clinical supervision for social workers aspiring to obtain social work licensure.
We also provide small group consultation for those interested in gaining additional support, at an affordable cost.
A notary public is a public servant who is able to serve an impartial witness to the signing of important documents, issuing subpoenas, and witnessing the opening of a bank safe, vault or box.